Energy Workshop & Energy Tapping Workshop
We all carry so much energy with us on a daily basis some good and some that is heavy. Everything we touch throughout our day is has energy. Our energy system needs to be working efficiently in order for us to live a better life.
Maybe your currently experiencing overwhelm, stress, anxiety, just feeling very disconnected. Maybe there is a lot of stress in your household, and how to deal with challenges with rearing families this workshop will provide you with plenty of tips and tools to help bring harmony and peace into your household. And if you are experiencing stress, worry, anxiety the experiences are most likely going to get worse and worse. My course is being developed to help people in this situation, I have being through it, and still today I am being challenged but I have some amazing tools which I am just only too delighted to share with you all.
My workshops I will be sharing tips on how to cleanse your energy, talking about the Chakra system and how it operates, meditation, and tips on how to increase your energy levels thats in the first workshop. And the 2nd week we will be delving into Energy Tapping and how we can enhance our mood, and bring up our energy levels, it will be some fun also. You will be provided with a beautiful manual, so on the nights all you have to do is turn up, on the 2 evenings, I’ll be going through the manual, and also providing ye with beautiful affirmations to help ye to balance and realign the chakra system.
If this sounds like its something that could benefit you, I would love for you to join us on this amazing evening. This is not going to be very technical, I keep everything as basic as I can, and use language that everyone is going to understand and comprehend.
Next workshop: Thursday 18th April from 7.00 pm - 9.00p.m. and the 2nd workshop: 25th April from 7.00 p.m - 9.00 p.m.