
This treatment works both feet, it is the gentle manipulation of the feet and working on the various different zones of the feet. Did you know our physical body, and all our organs and systems are mapped to our feet. Reflexology helps with bringing my clients back to state of calmness, balance and at peace known as Homeostasis. Reflexology is the gentle manipulation of the feet, and working the whole body.

If you have sensitive feet, we can do hand reflexology instead, so you don’t need to worry because some people’s feet are incredibly sensitive to touch. Reflexology may help support the digestive systems, respiratory system, nervous system, circulatory system and many more benefits.

Reflexology is one of the treatments where you may be able to claim on your health insurance or on your medial expenses, but I always suggest to clients to check with your insurance company first of all, I am registered with the IRI (Irish Reflexology Institute) so you may be able to claim back 20%.

My treatments are an hour long and are €60.